Moms. Christmas. If It’s the Thought that Counts at Least Give Her a Thought

Moms Christmas Gifts The Thought That Counts - SavvyMom
It’s about that time. While everyone has wound down work and school for the next couple of weeks, we know a mom’s job is just starting to kick into high gear. We can pay all the lip service we want to the notion of sharing the load and women reclaiming their time, but the absolute reality is moms do all the work. Moms. Christmas. Moms do all the work.


So while the rest of the world is pulling out their sweatpants and claiming their spots on the couch, we know the moms of the world are pulling double and triple shifts as the shoppers, the wrappers, the cooks, and the cleaner-uppers.

And the absolute least their partners can do is ensure there is a gift or two under the tree for her to unwrap on Christmas morning.

**That she hasn’t purchased and wrapped for herself.**

It’s Funny Because It’s True

The “I Got a Robe” Saturday Night Live skit became an instant classic because it’s true.

It’s funny because it’s true.

And that’s sad.

It’s so, so sad.

I’ve taken it upon myself to write this letter to all the husbands, boyfriends, and partners out there who deserve to be told how badly they’re failing at husbanding and boyfriending and partnering if they are allowing the women in their lives to be treated in this manner. I shared it on Facebook and now I’m sharing it here for you.

If there’s some way you can leave this open on their browser or share to their timeline, all the better. They deserve to be told.

It Is Your Job to Fill Her Stocking

I’m just going to cut to the chase here.

If you have a partner who fills all the Christmas stockings, I hope you realize this is a not-at-all-gentle calling out. It’s time you grew up. Stepped up.

I hope on Christmas morning, if you haven’t filled her stocking, you feel a pit in your stomach so sour it makes you gag on your selfishness.

I hope she allows you to sit in the knowledge that you failed at the simple task of showing you care in a very special way.

I hope you feel the realization hit you on Christmas morning when you’re watching your kid(s) excitedly open those stockings, and enjoying pulling the thoughtful treats out of your own stocking that you truly are still a child in the worst possible way.

I hope you look over and catch the sadness of being left to do all the work that your wife is carrying through her smiles of joy.

I hope you see how full her heart is, creating utter f*cking magic on Christmas morning for your entire family while you grin like a fool, unsure what “you” really gave your own family, but happy to take credit.

I hope you know the happiness it brings her to fill stockings with personalized gifts, each one a testament to how she sees your family, how she knows you all, and loves you so completely.

And as you rip into your stocking, I hope it dawns on you just how fucking ridiculous it is that this thoughtful, incredible, loving person is opening a stocking she shopped for and stuffed all by herself. . . because it keeps the magic alive for the rest of you if she keeps up the charade, right?

She wouldn’t want it to be left empty, would she? That would let others down.

But you.

You let HER down.

And I hope you feel that guilt echo through your entire self-centred, inconsiderate, unworthy soul.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the hard working moms out there. If you have to buy your own gifts, buy yourself something frigging amazing.


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