Let’s Party
It’s a party! We are excited to announce that SavvyMom has teamed up with one of our fave online retailers, Raspberry Kids, on Thursday, August 26 for two virtual back-to-school parties on SavvyMom’s Facebook Page.
Our first party is geared to Eastern and Atlantic Time Zone moms and starts at 8 pm Eastern (5 pm Pacific). Our second party is geared to Pacific and Central Time Zone Moms and starts at 8 pm Pacific (11 pm Eastern). Both parties are an hour and a half long, and you can RSVP right here.
This fun, virtual party is themed around back to school. We will have lots of great new product ideas to share with you to make the back-to-school transition easier for you and your kids, and of course, we will also have a ton of amazing prizes lined up from the following brands: Beatrix New York, Yubo, Vapur, Goodbyns, Lunchskins, So Young Mother, and there may even be a few more surprises, so make sure you RSVP to one or both of these events so that you do not miss out! The party will be very interactive and prizes will be awarded based on answers and comments to specific questions we will be asking on our Facebook page, so login, interact and win some great new back-to-school stuff!
We look forward to seeing you on Facebook next Thursday, August 26! It’s going to be kool!