SavvyStories Storyteller Badge Page
Welcome to the SavvyStories Storyteller Badge Page.
Select a badge from one of the choices below to use to display on your blog.
150 x 150 Badge
To use the above badge, please copy and past this code into your site’s source code:
<a href="" title="Solutions for Moms across Canada"><img src="" alt="SavvyStories Blogger" height="150" width="150" border="0" /></a>
125 x 125 Badge
To use the above badge, please copy and past this code into your site’s source code:
<a href="" title="Solutions for Moms across Canada"><img src="" alt="SavvyStories Blogger" height="125" width="125" border="0" /></a>
250 x 68 Badge
To use the above badge, please copy and past this code into your site’s source code:
<a href="" title="Solutions for Moms across Canada"><img src="" alt="SavvyStories Blogger" height="68" width="250" border="0" /></a>
300 x 79 Badge
To use the above badge, please copy and past this code into your site’s source code:
<a href="" title="Solutions for Moms across Canada"><img src="" alt="SavvyStories Blogger" height="79" width="300" border="0" /></a>