Keeping Them ‘Well’
A group of six mom entrepreneurs have recently come together and developed a program (and contest) called Well on Their Way. The goal is to create awareness of products that are designed (all in their own particular way) to reinforce wellness while children are growing and developing.
Kids grow up fast, but there are a few things we can do to help ensure that they are ‘Well on Their Way’ to success while they grow. This collection of carefully selected products made by moms ranges from helmet covers to allergy labels to indoor jungle gyms.
Learn more about the contest and enter for your chance to win the Well on Their Way Grand Prize valued at over $1,000.00.
So send some of that love back to the mom entrepreneurs by spreading the word about the contest. We like to call it sharing the ‘word of mom’, and you’re very good at it.
We know because you helped us get where we are today.
Enter our Well on Their Way Contest today.