Please Send Elves

Dear Santa,

Thanks for your help this holiday season with the gifts and all. Now that the stuff is bought and under the tree (ahem), we hoped you might be able to help with a few things for our SavvyMoms.

We know they want things to be perfect for their families so how about sending some elves around to do a last minute little clean up/laundry/closet re-org. Maybe stand in line at the grocery store for them, then chop and prep for the holiday meal? While they are here, can they whip up some cookies, make the perfect seasonal craft with the kids, pick up some flowers, and get the kids’ hair cut? Our moms wouldn’t mind a hair and nail touch up for themselves either. Do your elves have a flair for that sort of thing?

Also, if there is any way you can help our moms find some time to sleep in, read a book or take a shower in peace, I am sure they would all be very grateful.

Thanks Santa, you’re the best. Oh, and we’ll be tracking your progress Christmas Eve on our favourite Santa site. Be sure to enjoy your holiday in Florida. No doubt, you and those elves are just exhausted after all your hard work.

We too will be taking a break from publishing until the New Year—after all, we hope our readers will be taking a break from their computers to enjoy some quality time over the holidays.

PS. Santa—we have included a photo and greeting message for you and our readers. We’re sorry we couldn’t get anybody smiling at the same time and a few of our kids are screaming like banshees. Take a look. Can your elves help out with some airbrushing?


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