Raise Your Teacups for Breast Cancer Awareness
When we were kids, one of our favourite things to do was to host a tea party. A beautiful dress and your best faux pearls or tiara were musts, and Barbie and Teddy had standing invites, of course. The teapot—though empty, or filled with juice—was always free flowing.
But then we grew up and forgot all about the magic of throwing a tea party—which is why we think you deserve one of your own. Residents of British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan are invited to revisit the good ol’ days and help raise money for a great cause with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s annual Pink Ribbon Tea presented by Blenz Coffee event on October 21. Supported by sponsors Safeway in B.C. and Sobeys and Safeway in Alberta and Saskatchewan, residents in these regions are invited to host their own tea party with their friends, family, and colleagues to help raise funds in support of breast cancer research.
Tea parties are the perfect way to catch up with old friends and enjoy some great food and even better company. On top of that, you’ll be raising money to help the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation continue to make significant investments in research, education and support programs for those affected by breast cancer across Canada.
Register online or download a registration form and you will be sent a Tea Toolkit in the mail, including invitations, fundraising tips, decorations, and other supplies to make your party a success. Set a date to host your tea and invite your friends, co-workers or family using the email invitation header. Don’t forget to share photos of your tea party on social media using the hashtag #PinkRibbonTea.
Plus, if you register your tea party by October 14th you’ll be entered to win one of ten Blenz Coffee gift baskets!
So get out your best china, stick out that pinky, and raise your teacups in support of a great cause today.
This post is brought to you by The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.